Member-only story
I got nuthin’
Seven decades in and I got nuthin’
Decade One
I was born in 1955. A baby boomer. I am now in my seventh decade and it is time to reflect and pass along my life’s experience and wisdom.
Problem is? I got nuthin’
Decade Two
You would think growing up in the 60’s I would have something relevant to say about JFK getting shot, followed by Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV.
And you think the Kardashians are reality TV?
Everyone who was aware of the world in 1963 remembers where they were when Kennedy was shot. It is an important event in every baby boomer’s life.
The next thing. We landed on the moon! We landed in black and white, but that is appropriate since the moon has always been white to various shades of gray. The space race was on and we kicked some Soviet ass getting there. I think that should mean something, don’t you?
My wisdom from the 60's?
Kennedy wealth can’t buy longevity.
Decade Three
In 1970 I turned 15 and 1980 25. The picture on the left is from the 70’s, and represents almost every waking moment (and a good number of sleeping moments) of that decade. I was a teenager and was commanded to “make love, not war.”
That war (Vietnam) ended and the country began to heal from the divisiveness it created. I registered for the draft when I was…